Top SEO Ranks in Less than 2 Months: Yes, You Can
In this blog, I am sharing how we achieved top SEO ranks in less than 2 months. These results are based on completely honest, by-the-book SEO work on www.completewebsitecare.com, along with the steps we took to achieve that. In less than a few months the site has confidently scored quite a few top SEO ranking spots with tYahoo!, Google and MSN/Bing. I am also showing a few screengrabs to showcase the organic results on the search engine page results.
No tricks, just following the rules
We did not use any black hat techniques. It was a pure do-it-yourself SEO exercise. We just followed the search engine requirements and applied a keyword-focused approach to optimizing every page, supported by improving the infrastructure and speed of the entire website, and performing careful back-link building. Our site is a good example of how you can achieve stellar results in a very short time, without the need to resort to dishonest SEP practices, or paying huge fees to agencies.
Here are the key on-page SEO optimization elements that you need to work on to achieve similar results:
- Make sure the keyword you are competing for is in your title (best if you could start your title with it)
- You need to include your keyword in your url address too.
- Start your first paragraph with your keyword. Don’t feel pressured to force things. If you have a clear idea about your message and how you want to communicate it, including your targeted SEO keyword should be a natural process.
- Don’t forget to add relevant titles to the images that you will be using on the page.
- Share something that will be of value to the people you are trying to reach. Search engines do not value pages that have less than 300 characters of text, so don’t expect to rank high if you are not offering anything of interest in return. Remember, you don’t need to be a professional writer to impress your readers. Nowadays, simple is best. The best blogs and websites are friendly, use simple language and are easy to review and navigate.
- Try to link to at least a few of your internal pages. While it is always good to link to external resources, you need to give your visitors a reason to continue their journey on your website. According to the latest studies, the longer a prospect stays on your website, the higher the likelihood that they will convert into a lead for your company.
- Don’t forget to add a page description that tells the person who just found your page on Gogle search why they should click on your website first.
Getting the coveted high SEO Rankings takes time, but is not that hard to get
Of course, on-page SEO is only a partial contributing factor when it comes to creating and implementing your SEO rank optimization plan. A lot of other elements have to come into play if you want to get great results in a short time. I will certainly be very happy to chat with you about that if you have questions. Drop me a line or leave a comment, and I will definitely try my best to respond to any requests or queries.
Here are the results from our SEO exercise
For now, let’s have a look at what I have done so far. I have a couple of snapshots here, where I’d like to show you how our website ranks based on these keywords below:
Keyword: ‘easy to update content’ (Google SERP)
Keyword: ‘easy to update website’ (Google SERP)
Keyword: ‘SEO friendly complete website’ (Google SERP)
Keyword: ‘complete website’ (Google SERP)
Keyword: ‘complete SEO website’ (Bing SERP)
Keyword: ‘complete website’ (Yahoo SERP)
Thanks for your time to read this, and remember, SEO is not rocket science. It can actually be a lot of fun once you get over the initial learning curve. I know that words like SERP, SEO, Bounce Rate, Backlinking, and Alt tags tend to scare novices,
It can actually be a lot of fun once you get over the initial learning curve. I know that words like SERP, SEO, Bounce Rate, Backlinking, and Alt tags tend to scare novices, but in reality, they are just a bunch of terms which you will learn in no time if you are up to it.
Here is a great Search Engine Optimization Glossary by SEO Book, which has been very helpful – hope it is of use.
In conclusion, optimizing your website takes time, but it is quite readily achievable, and you don’t need to be a whizz to be able to do it yourself. If I was able to do it in no time, rest assured that you will be able to do it too.