GA4 URL Builder Checklist – UTM Dimensions You Need

Our GA4 URL Builder Checklist makes it easy to set up a winning UTM link tracking reports.

The GA4 URL Builder checklist, available for free download, is a quick and easy reference tool for marketing professionals transitioning their reporting from the classical Google Analytics platform to the new GA4 entity.

GA4’s new way of organizing reports for campaigns across numerous assets, digital channels, and promotional platforms requires a change into how you track and report on your UTM links.

What is included in the UTM Link Builder Checklist:

GA4 URL Builder Checklist

With GA4 fast approaching, the checklist quickly gives you confidence in the UTM tags required to build trackable links and helps you uncover the relevant Google Analytics dimensions that go with these parameters to ensure a robust and standardized reporting process across your company.

In addition to the must-have UTM link tracking tags that GA requires, the checklist covers the changes associated with the traditional UTMs, as well as the newly introduced GA4 UTM codes and their associated reporting dimensions.

It also provides a set of custom tags that are not part of the Google campaign url building suite, but are strongly recommended for medium-to-larger sized organizations that are investing across a multitude of channels and promotional sources, and are looking to:

  • improve advertising ROI and focus budgets on proven use cases
  • optimize customer understanding by unveiling more granular tactic and asset-based nuances to be able to build superior user experiences.

Fill our the short contact form below to instantly download the UTM Link Builder Checklist